Thursday, January 14, 2010

Virtual dating

Something so simple yet so advanced hit me in the face today...
Technology has taken over every aspect of our lives.. Yeh sure we get
technology to do almost anything even automatically flush our toilets,
but now it's entered our social scene. No, I am in no ways referring
to social networking sites. Just imagine dating yet your date isn't
even in the same country as you...
Well it happened on this very day... from South to South East Asia..
One coffee shop in a mall to another coffee shop in a city suburb..
Wireless internet connection and laptops to aid.. Two people
connected on a completely different level.
One evening after about a year of knowing each other as virtual
friends, they decided why not try a virtual date. They would be seeing
each other for the first time but on webcam. So the time was fixed and
the venues as well. There they were coffees in each other's hand and
time passed them by and they didn't even know it. The result a perfect
date. No complications as simple as ABC. Ill give it a try sometime...

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